Hi, I'm Mel.
I am an artist and a Network Science PhD student at Northeastern University. I'm interested in social media, data science, science communication, art, and design. Currently I am a member of the COMM lab advised by Dr. Brooke Foucault Welles.
Resume CV
My Projects
The Cottagecore to Tradwife Pipeline
Research showing the potential for a pipeline resulting from aesthetic similarities between Cottagecore and Tradwife content on Tumblr - the first step of an ongoing project.
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Visualizing Complexity Science Workshop
Illustrations and data visualizations for an article prototype "Fight for Survival" created as part of the 2023 Visualizing Complexity Science Workshop.
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Ukraine as a Political Tool in Sponsored Content
A poster showing the use of Ukraine as a political tool in Facebook Sponsored content.
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Indiana University Societal Computing Lab
Prototypes designed to investigate technologies for mitigating HIV-related stigma.
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REU @ University of Southern California
Research about images posted online during the Stop Asian Hate movement completed at USC's Information Sciences Institute during my REU program.
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Neutral Bots Probe Political Bias on Social Media
Illustrations of twitter bots deployed to evaluate political bias emerging from platform mechanisms.
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Covid-19 Data Project Linkedin Campaign
Designs to promote the values, achievements, and features of the Covid-19 Data Project.
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